Post pregnant Kourtney Kardashian revealed behind the scenes moments to Parenting magazine, including what she's learned from being a new mom and how having a baby has changed her outlook.
1. “I make my own baby food.”
"My mom bought me this amazing baby-food maker, the Beaba

... I steam and puree fruits and vegetables, and they last for like four days. Mason pretty much loves everything. I gave him red beets, and it got all over his face, which made the funniest picture. He also loves sweet potatoes, carrots, and yams. Sometimes I mix pureed peaches, pears, bananas, or apples with plain yogurt or an all-natural organic jelly. I have this great book called Super Baby Food

that’s full of ideas. I should be on this Mason diet!
2. "I have no desire to go out.”
Unless I’m working, I can’t be away from him without feeling guilty. It doesn’t feel good or natural to be, so it’s a struggle. My friends keep saying, “You and [boyfriend Scott Disick] should go out and eat or do something.” Recently my sister Kim watched Mason so we could go to dinner. It took so long—actually, it probably didn’t take so long, but to us it felt like it took long—we were like, should we just get pizza and go home? Scott says he doesn’t need to wine and dine me anymore. We would be just as happy having a slice of pizza sitting in bed with our son.
3. “Mason sleeps in bed with me.”
If I’ve had a long day, then I have that time at night, which is really important to me. Mason did fall on the floor once by mistake. It was the worst moment. I freaked out and looked online [to research the dangers associated with a baby falling off the bed]. He was fine but crying, so I e-mailed the doctor at four in the morning. He wrote me right back, yet I stayed up all night to watch him sleep to make sure he was okay.
I’ve since lowered our mattress to the floor. I put pillows all around the floor, too. I am doing the best that I can, and I feel really confident in that. Unless someone has walked in your shoes, you really can’t judge. Everyone needs to make the best choice for their life. He’s such a happy baby, and I really think sleeping together has something to do with that.
4. "I’m still nursing!”
I have to eat every couple of hours since I’m nursing. If I don’t, my body freaks out. I went a little crazy for a week exercising [to lose the baby weight and] to prepare for a photo shoot, and after that I was like, this isn’t worth it. I was exhausted and dehydrated. I need to have energy for my son, and I haven’t worked out since. I take Mason on a lot of walks. Carrying him around is like carrying 20 pounds all day.
5. "If I’m not working, neither is the nanny.”
I don’t want to judge, but I’ve also met women who think it’s cool to be out or away from their baby, and I don’t get that, either. When I am out or away, that’s when I most want to be with Mason. I do have help when I’m working. It’s important to have one person I trust, so I know Mason is taken care of. But every time I am not working, he is with me. Even on an airplane, he is with me even if the nanny is also on the plane. Any time I can have with him, I am lucky to have. I also have a big family. Out of everyone, I call [stepfather and famous Olympian Bruce Jenner] for help the most. He’s the best babysitter in the world, and a perfect role model for him. He takes Mason to the car wash for “man time.”
6. “My mom is a pro (she’s had six kids!), but I don’t rely on her as much as people think.”
I really don’t. I make my own choices. When I was pregnant, she would say, “You need [to buy] this and this.” I remember telling her that people used to have babies in caves. If I don’t have something, it’s not a big deal.
7. “We don’t really follow a set schedule.”
I was struggling with that for a while, wondering what is the best thing. I think you do whatever fits your lifestyle. Some people have things planned from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., which works for them. But honestly, the best thing for Mason is just to be with me. When we are out, we just have so much fun. If we are cruising around, and he is napping in the car, it’s not the worst thing in the world.
8. “Mason comes first, and if that makes me unprofessional at times, so be it.”
Especially during the first three months, I didn’t care if I was late. We were on his schedule.
9. “Being the oldest in my family, you would think I would have been in tune with kids. I had no clue.”
I think motherhood is just about instinct. I remember coming home from the hospital and having no idea what we were doing. Scott and I changed his diaper together, but after a day, it was like “Oh!” I got it. Even before, I had never really held babies. When my younger sisters were born, I was in high school and college. I was at my mom’s all the time but never changed them or fed them.
10. “My sister Kim is responsible for my first public—and very embarrassing—‘new mom’ moment.”
Kim wanted to go shopping at Bergdorf Goodman, so we agreed to meet there. When we pulled up to the store, Kim had already arrived, so there were like ten paparazzi waiting. It was my first time taking a taxi with Mason. I had to tell the driver to wait because I had to get the stroller out of the car. I got Mason first, threw my bags on the ground, and was trying to get the stroller out. I’m smiling and trying to open the stroller, but it wouldn’t open. On top of all the paparazzi, about another 40 people are now standing there staring at me struggling. Then one lady asked if I needed help. I said, “Yes, I would love that!” Everyone goes through that. I can’t wait for the day that my sisters find out how hard it is. They try to tell me “do this and do that,” but they just don’t know!